Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Castaway! Minus Tom Hanks! And Wilson! And, you know, a lot of other stuff.

Thanks alot, S.A. Bodeen!!  It's not like I have to get up and take care of my kids in the morning or anything!!

So, this gal has cranked out some good, quick reads.  They're spare, light on deadweight, and heavy on the TENSION.

Love it.  Can't put it down.  Then, I hate it when I have to crack open my red-rimmed eyes a mere two hours after turning the last page of her latest, The Raft.,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

The protaganist, Robie, is a teenager live on the small islands surrounding Hawaii, specifically Midway.  Color me stupid for not even knowing folks still hung out there.  You know, since we won the big war and all.  So, that information alone was fascinating to me.

Well, Robie catches a cargo flight home to the island after her plans to stay on the big island are cut short by her Aunt's work schedule.

Plane crash ensues and the nightmare of realizing no one is looking for her sets in.  She's set adrift with the only other survivor, the new co-pilot named Max. 

What follows is a gripping tale of survival, endurance, and coping in what could be called, a very stressful situation.

There's a good twist 3/4 of the way through.  I thought I saw it coming, but it still caught me off guard in a few ways.  I always appreciate when I can't figure everything out in a book right away. 

Read it!  You will love it!  Just don't start it at midnight if you have to be functional before 10 a.m. the next day, because this bad boy will keep you reading to the bitter end. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So, I am a complete wastrel when it comes to blogging.  Why this is a shock to me is anybody's guess.  I have about 30 journals squirreled away and nary a one is filled cover to cover. 

Sigh.  But I have read too many truly awesome books to not share with the world.  Or the 2 people who inadvertantly stumble across this blog while trying to find TV clips of a certain 80's TV show which I probably shouldn't name.  Ahem.

I was crippled by the thought of which book to talk about first.  That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it.

So, here goes.  Definitely a downer for the start of 2013, but an amazing, crisp, insightful read.  Not a lot of fluff.  Okay, so I always think of Hemingway when I think of "spare" writing styles, so be prepared for that reference to come up a lot in the future. 

Damage by A.M. Jenkins.  It's a YA novel about depression and as someone who struggled with depression as a teen, I found this novel so spot on.

What makes this novel unique is the title character, Austin Reid.  He comes across as the guy that has everything going for him.  Popular.  Football Star.  What more could a high school guy ask for?  What could he possibly have to be depressed about? 

And that's what makes this a great read.  You get into this kid's head and you feel his pain.  You feel the cloying weight of his depression.  You can feel his exhaustion at the day-to-day struggle to look "normal" to everyone else.  Jenkins makes you feel so deeply for this kid that seems to be living the teenage dream in many ways.  And that, to me, is writerly magic. 

Loved it.  Loved the characters.  Loved the writing style.  Just loved it. 

If TJ Booker were handing out tickets for writing violations, this bad boy of a book would have a clean slate -- no criminal record.  A.M. Jenkins hits it out of the park and I look forward to reading more of her work in the future.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I have nothing important to say, but that's never stopped me before!

So, the world needs another blogger like I need more cellulite on my butt, but oh, well.  I have a passion for books.  Specifically, books for young adults and children.  And I think there are so many awesome books that deserve a little attention, even on a little blog like this.  Hey, you find something cool, you share it, right?  So, I hope to share some of the great books I have read lately.  And I am always on the lookout of suggestions for great books for me to read.  I hope this can be a place to share some super cool books you should take the time to read.